Exploratory Analysis of Ambivalent Sexism in teenagers from Ciudad Juárez
Gender, Mexican, prevention, violenceAbstract
The objective is to carry out an exploratory analysis of ambivalent sexism in adolescents that serves as a basis for the development of interventions to prevent gender violence. An evaluation was carried out in a sample of 26 adolescents from Juarez (10 men; 16 women), with an age range between 15 and 17 years old, using the Inventory of Ambivalent Sexism for Adolescents, which is composed of two factors: hostile sexism and benevolent sexism. A statistically significant difference was found in total sexism, with men presenting more sexist attitudes compared to women. Considering the factors, there is a statistically significant difference in benevolent sexism, with men being more tolerant in attitudes regarding the factor than women. The development of universal interventions that are interested in the prevention of sexism is considered fundamental, through the identification of sexist beliefs and attitudes, which are scarce in the scientific literature.
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