Effect of global warming on the moisture condensation band in the Yucatan peninsula
Atmospheric rivers, atmospheric humidity, Condensation altitude, Climate change, Altitudinal shiftAbstract
Global warming has various effects on the behavior of atmospheric phenomena, one of which is the impact on atmospheric moisture condensation. The objective of this work was to determine the condensation zone in three locations on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, using climatological data from the 1980s and 2010s. Dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperature parameters were used to calculate the condensation altitude, employing psychrometric tables. The results indicate an increase in average temperature, demonstrating a change in condensation altitude. In Mérida, Yucatán, during the first period, the condensation zone ranged from 308 to 862 m in altitude with a temperature of 25.2°C. With an increase of 1.1°C, this range shifted to 523 to 1246 m. In Valladolid, Yucatán, the condensation zone was between 615 and 1185 m with a temperature of 26.6°C, and with an increase of 0.6°C, it extended to 646-1400 m. Finally, in Chetumal, Quintana Roo, with a temperature of 27°C, the condensation zone ranged from 523 to 1092 m, and with an increase of 0.3°C, it shifted to 569-1154 m. These changes in condensation altitude could affect the hydrological cycle, reducing atmospheric moisture condensation that could potentially recharge atmospheric rivers. This underscores the need to reforest forested and jungle areas to mitigate the negative environmental effects caused by climate imbalance.
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