Competence-Based Learning (CBL) for scientific production in Ica university students
Competency-Based Learning (CBL) focuses on strengthening practical skills and knowledge, with the student as the driving force behind learning. Several authors argue for the need to establish an educational research framework for the implementation of this approach at the university level. This study aimed to determine if CBL influences the scientific production (SP) of students at a university in the Ica region. Through a pre-exploratory mixed-methods study, a CBL-based intervention program was applied to enhance SP in Systems Engineering students. The evaluation was conducted in three dimensions, classified into three levels: low, medium, and high. With the participation of 24 students, in the high level, an increase was observed in the definition of the topic from 16.7% to 45.8%, in writing skills, the increase was from 0% to 41.7%, and in the attitude toward writing, from 8.3% to 37.5%. The average scientific production in this level increased significantly from 33.54% to 38.92% (p=0.000). It is concluded that CBL can influence SP. This design provides a first approach to developing a research framework for undertaking broader and controlled investigations into the potential of CBL for SP.
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