A Proposal for the Sustainability Challenge in the Anthropocene


  • Gabriel Castañeda Nolasco Universidad Autónoma de la Chiapas Facultad de Arquitectura Blv. Belisario Domínguez Km. 1081, Terán, 29050 Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0928-5551




Sustainable Architecture, Climate Change, Ecological Design, Environmental Regeneration


Domingo Acosta's proposal goes beyond sustainable architecture, exploring the possibilities of environmental regeneration. From bioclimatic architecture to design in the Anthropocene, he emphasizes the importance of adaptation and mitigation in the face of climate change. With a didactic approach, the inclusion of projects, and a call for research and education in sustainable design, the text outlines the crucial connection between technology and environmental awareness. At the end of this inspiring work, the reader is equipped with elements to reconsider paradigms and adopt innovative strategies in the face of current challenges.


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Acosta D. (2019). Diseñar en el Antropoceno: La arquitectura más allá de la sostenibilidad. Editemos/Ediciones FAU-UCV. ISBN: 978-980-7391-19-1

Elcacho J. (2021). Paul J. Crutzen (1933-2021). Arquitectura Viva. https://arquitecturaviva.com/articulos/paul-crutzen-1933-2021

Silva Rojas, A., Flantrmsky Cárdenas, Ó. y Angarita Velasco, L. (2023). Relaciones socionaturales, Antropoceno y obligación moral. Análisis, 55(102). https://doi.org/10.15332/21459169.7644



How to Cite

Castañeda Nolasco, G. (2023). A Proposal for the Sustainability Challenge in the Anthropocene. Mesoamerican Journal of Research, 3(3). https://doi.org/10.31644/RMI.V3N3.2023.A05