Analysis of the process of construction of the identity of the Deaf in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas
Deaf community, deaf culture, linguistic minority, Mexican sign languageAbstract
The present investigation in progress, revolves around the process of the construction of the identity of the Deaf, understanding the Deaf as a person belonging to a cultural and linguistic minority. For this, the methodological route that is contemplated starts from symbolic interactionism. Participant observation and in-depth interview techniques are used. It works with the Association "Manos que hablan, Chiapas", located in Tuxtla Gutiérrez city. We present here some theoretical references and certain advances, among the most relevant is the construction of six categories that give an account of their experiences about the reality they face as a linguistic minority. By way of conclusion, we can point out the need to make visible a historically discriminated social and cultural sector, allowing the participants to interpret from their own constructs.
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